List of Ultraman R/B characters

This is the character page for the 2018 tokusatsu Ultra Series Ultraman R/B.

Katsumi Minato (湊 カツミ, Minato Katsumi),[a] born on May 23, 1995, is the 23-year-old eldest son who puts family importance above all else, evidenced by his decision to leave his childhood dream of becoming a baseball player and helps his father's business. Despite his critical thinking ability, he is also hot blooded and incapable of observing his surroundings when playing baseball with other townspeople. He works as a clerk in his father's specialty shop and has a keen fashion sense. On the day of their mother's birthday, Katsumi and Isami were given the R/B Gyro (ルーブジャイロ, Rubu Jairo) to transform into Ultraman Rosso and Blu after Grigio Bone's attack on Mt. Ayaka. Initially hesitant, he begins to accept the responsibility of an Ultraman it held and defend Ayaka City from monster attacks.

A year later after Leugocyte's defeat, Katsumi becomes torn in choosing what to do for his future. After getting into an argument with his former high school friend Yukio, Tregear tricked him into being left on Hoster 21 System until the Minato family rescued him as he rejoin the battle. Once returning Yukio to normal, Katsumi handed his former friend his baseball and leaves for Milan to further his study as a fashion designer.

Should both brothers hold the R/B Gyro, they can perceive each other's sense of vision. As Ultraman Rosso, Katsumi adopted his skill as a pitcher through said Ultra's attacks.

Katsumi Minato is portrayed by Yuya Hirata (平田 雄也, Hirata Yuya). As a child, Katsumi is portrayed by Hajime Fujisawa (藤沢 元, Fujisawa Hajime).

Isami Minato (湊 イサミ, Minato Isami),[b] born on April 13, 1999, is a 19-year-old college student studying cosmoarchaeology in honor of his long lost mother. He holds a huge respect to Katsumi for giving up his passion for sports to support their family. A free-spirited youth, Isami prefers to conduct interesting research instead of helping out at the store. Because of his clumsy attitude, he is incapable of expressing his gratitude to others. Alongside Katsumi, he obtained the R/B Gyro during their mother's birthday to transform into Ultraman Blu. Compared to Katsumi, Isami was more open minded with his newfound powers but finds himself guided by his brother during the fight.

In Ultraman R/B the Movie, the Minato brothers stumbled upon a dimensional-displaced Riku, as Isami teamed up with him when Katsumi became stranded in an alien planet. After the fight with Tregear ended, Isami decided to further his study in California.

In addition to R/B Gyro, Isami also created a device that can detect presence of a monster.

Isami Minato is portrayed by Ryosuke Koike (小池 亮介, Koike Ryosuke). As a child, Isami is portrayed by Kiara Minegishi (嶺岸 煌桜, Minegishi Kiara).

Asahi Minato (湊 アサヒ, Minato Asahi),[c] born on March 3, 2001, is the 17-year-old youngest of the Minato siblings, a happy-go-lucky high school girl that is close to her brothers. She has a dislike of conflicts, which extends to the point of refusing to play rock-paper-scissors. On behalf of their mother, she performs the housework. She discovered her brothers' double life as Ultramen and her wish allows the Orb Ring NEO to assist them in defeating Horoboros, and even played a pivotal role on helping her brothers unlock the power of Ultraman Ruebe. Although the Minato family remember Asahi as a baby, the lack of past photos that represent her brings Ushio to doubt her existence. After her closest friend, Saki Mitsurugi sacrifice herself against Leugocyte's beam, she then inherits Saki's Gyro. During the final battle with Leugocyte, she is revealed to be the incarnation of Crystal and creates the Makoto Crystal through the power of the three siblings' bonds.

In Ultraman R/B the Movie, Asahi join forces with her brothers and a dimensional-displaced Ultraman in fighting against Ultraman Tregear's invasion. With Saki's Gyro, she assumed the form of Grigio Regina until Saki's spirit resonated with her, giving birth to Ultrawoman Grigio. After her brothers leave to travel the world, Asahi remains in Ayaka City to protect it for her brothers.

Asahi Minato is portrayed by Arisa Sonohara (其原 有沙, Sonohara Arisa). As a baby, Asahi is portrayed by Nanami Okada (岡田 菜々美, Okada Nanami).

Ushio Minato (湊 ウシオ, Minato Ushio),[d] born on May 14, 1968, is a 50-year-old kind father of the Minato family and owner of specialty store Quattro M (クワトロM, Kuwatoro Emu). As he lacks awareness of his sons being Ultramen, Ushio mistook his sons' behavior as teenage rebellion. His dream is to design clothes of his brand, "UshioMinato" and had provide financial support to his wife for her research. He refused to believe his wife had disappeared and faithfully waited for her return, with his wish granted at some point before Leugocyte's arrival to Earth.

Ushio Minato is portrayed by Ginnojo Yamazaki (山崎 銀之丞, Yamazaki Gin'nojo).

Mio Minato (湊 ミオ, Minato Mio), born on July 1, 1968, is the 50-year-old (physically in her mid-30s) matriarch of Minato family who went missing near Mt. Ayaka on her birthday, fifteen years ago. She was a researcher contracted under Aizentech, who funded her past studies with her husband's clothing business. Mio was revealed to have been stranded on an alternate dimension for 15 years while stealing the Gyros after an encounter with Saki Mitsurugi. Due to the time spend in that pocket dimension, Mio physically remains in her mid-30s appearance until she escaped.

There, she learned of her sons becoming Ultra Warriors and receive the prediction of their impending death. Upon her return to Ayaka City, Mio stole the Gyros and prepare to contain Leugocyte in a Monster Crystal in hopes of banishing the monster into said pocket dimension, but her plan fell through due to Saki's intervention. This leads to her trying to use Aizentech tower's black hole generator to banish the monster and herself until her sons destroy the monster as Ultraman Ruebe. With peace returned to Ayaka City, Mio becomes the acting president of Aizentech in Aizen and Saki's absence.

Mio Minato is portrayed by Kaori Manabe (眞鍋 かをり, Manabe Kaori).

Aizentech (アイゼンテック, Aizentekku) is a large company that focuses on space exploration and unknown energy research. The company is located on Ayaka City (綾香市, Ayaka-shi), the same area which the Minato family's Quattro M operates. In the past, Aizentech was originally a small factory named Aizen Iron Works (愛染鉄工, Aizen Tekko) operated by Makoto's father before he moved it to Ayaka City and provide major contribution to the city, therefore making it as a company town. In the height of frequent monster attacks sent by Chereza, Aizentech had developed an Anti-Monster Restraint System (対怪獣拘束システム, Tai kaiju Kosoku Shisutemu) that render its target in suspended animation. Unfortunately as a result of Saki's actions in ordering Grigio King to be released, the company faced a major crisis due to the declining rate of public trust.

Makoto Aizen (愛染 マコト, Aizen Makoto)[e] is the 33-year-old president of Aizentech and a general manager of research. Behind his huge popularity in Ayaka City, Makoto is actually used a host body for Chereza to infiltrate human society 15 years prior to the events of the series and used a medium by the alien to transform into Grigio Bone and Ultraman Orb Dark. After Saki expels Chereza from his body, Makoto names her the new president of Aizentech as he steps down to travel around the world with his bicycle.

Makoto Aizen is portrayed by Motoki Fukami (深水 元基, Fukami Motoki).

D.R.L.N. (ダーリン, Darin, Digital Response Language Network) is an artificial intelligence that assisted Makoto (Chereza) in his works, such as archiving his poets and performs internal functions of the Aizentech headquarters. While operating outside, she inhabits a white drone to salvage Monster Crystals. Although faithfully serves Chereza, D.R.L.N.'s loyalty is fickle, as she sided with Saki in her plan to detonate Earth and later on shifted to Mio when she returned from another dimension.

As a result of Saki's declaration in bombing Earth in hopes of destroying Leugocyte, D.R.L.N. was hacked by an unknown source to assassinate Saki by controlling Chereza's King Joe unit and put Asahi in a hostage crisis but Saki briefly collaborated with the Minato brothers to save Asahi as Isami purified D.R.L.N. by shutting down the network connection and rebooted her.

D.R.L.N. is voiced by Kaede Yuasa (湯浅 かえで, Yuasa Kaede), who previously voiced Zandrias in Kaiju Girls.

The titular Ultras of Ultraman R/B, Rosso and Blu, were originally humanoid orphans from Planet Sanja who were chosen into their self-titled Ultraman forms through the Light of Orb from Planet O-50 (オーフィフティ, O Fifuti), Ultraman Orb's home world. The brothers were killed after an attempt at preventing Leugocyte from destroying Earth, leaving behind their R/B Gyros for the Minato brothers to inherit their Ultramen identities while their youngest sister, Grigio, went on to adopt the alias of Saki Mitsurugi and continuing their mission to destroy Leugocyte at the cost of Planet Earth.

Ultraman Rosso (ウルトラマンロッソ, Urutoraman Rosso) is a twin-horned Ultraman who bonds with Katsumi Minato in the present day. He excels in mid and long range combat as he wields a pair of R/B Slugger Rosso (ルーブスラッガーロッソ, Rubu Suragga Rosso), with the left blade being shorter and held on a reverse grip. Since Katsumi is an aspiring baseball player, his skills as a pitcher are sometimes translated into Rosso's fighting stances.

Through Katsumi's use of the R/B Gyro and R/B Crystals, Rosso can perform a Type Change (タイプチェンジ, Taipu Chenji) to use different elemental powers:

Ultraman Rosso is voiced by Yuya Hirata, the actor of Katsumi Minato. Hirata also portrayed Rosso's human form in the penultimate episode of Ultraman R/B.

Ultraman Blu (ウルトラマンブル, Urutoraman Buru) is a single-horned Ultraman who bonded with Isami to protect him from Grigio Bone's attack. In contrast to his older brother Rosso, Blu excels in mid and close range combat as he wields a single-bladed R/B Slugger Blu (ルーブスラッガーブル, Rubu Suragga Buru).

Through Isami's use of the R/B Gyro and R/B Crystals, Blu can perform a Type Change to use different elemental powers:

Ultraman Blu is voiced by Ryosuke Koike, the actor of Isami Minato. Koike also portrayed Blu's human form in the penultimate episode of Ultraman R/B.

Ultraman Ruebe (ウルトラマンルーブ, Urutoraman Rubu) is a fusion of Ultraman Rosso and Blu achieved through Kiwami Crystal (極クリスタル, Kiwami Kurisutaru), created when R/B Crystals of Ultraman and Belial were scanned, followed by fusing with those of Taro, Ginga, Tiga and Victory as Katsumi activates it on the R/B Gyro.

The power of Ultraman Ruebe was already prophesied since Saki's original brothers obtain the crystals in Planet Sanja. However, they fail to utilize their power as the brothers fail to synchronize with their younger sister's heart. In the present day, this was accessed by the Minato brothers upon understanding the wish of their younger sister, which they put to use in against Grigio King. The fusion is only inaccessible if both brothers cannot synchronize properly.

Being a Super Ultraman in general, Ruebe demonstrates the ability to withstand Grigio King's Bone Breathter. Once Isami scans the New Generation Heroes Crystal (ニュージェネレーションヒーローズクリスタル, Nyu Jenereshon Hirozu Kurisutaru), Ruebe can execute New Generation Barrier (ニュージェネレーションバリア, Nyu Jenereshon Baria) by summoning New Generation Ultras to fire their finishing rays and counter their opponent's attack. His finisher is the Ruebium Ray (ルービウム光線, Rubiumu Kosen). His main weapon is the wind and fire wheels R/B Kourin (ルーブコウリン, Rubu Korin), which has two different forms, depending on its user:

Being the fusion of Rosso and Blu, Ruebe is voiced by Yuya Hirata and Ryosuke Koike.

Ultrawoman Grigio (ウルトラウーマングリージョ, Urutorauman Gurijo) is the alter-ego of Asahi Minato after inheriting Saki Mitsurugi's Gyro. Despite being inadequate in combat, she is capable of defenses and healing an ally. Her name is based on Saki's actual birth name, which was coined by Asahi as a token of respect to her late friend.

It was first transformed in the middle of fighting against Tregear and Snake Darkness, as Saki's spirit interfered and synchronize with Asahi to turn Grigio Regina into her Ultrawoman namesake. Grigio joins the battle by healing Rosso, Blu and Geed before fusing with her brothers into Ultraman Gruebe. With the Minato brothers left Japan to study abroad, Grigio was remain behind to become Ayaka City's sole protector.

Ultraman Gruebe (ウルトラマングルーブ, Urutoraman Gurubu) is an Ultra who debuted in Ultraman R/B the Movie. He is a combination brought by Ultraman Rosso, Blu and Ultrawoman Grigio through the use of Makoto Crystal (マコトクリスタル, Makoto Kurisutaru). Like Ruebe, Gruebe has access to the R/B Kourin. The only finisher its shown is the Shin Vortech Buster.

As a result of Rosso and Blu's crash landing on Earth, they were forcefully dispersed into R/B Crystals (ルーブクリスタル, Rubu Kurisutaru), which scattered across Ayaka City. The Minato brothers are capable of using them with their R/B Gyros or R/B Sluggers to access different abilities for their Ultramen counterparts.

Spirit Parasite Chereza (精神寄生体 チェレーザ, Seishin Kiseitai Chereza) is an extraterrestrial life form and the main antagonist for the first half of the series. Chereza originated from another universe and, inspired by witnessing the heroics of Ultraman Orb, came to Earth where he possessed Makoto and studied the R/B Gyros in Aizentech before Mio left with it. When Mio's sons became Ultramen fifteen years later, Chereza deemed them unworthy of the title and orchestrate monster attacks as he abducted several people to repair the Orb Origin Crystal, effectively giving him the chance to become Ultraman Orb Dark. As he lost the Orb Ring NEO after Horoboros' reign of terror and defeated as Grigio King, Saki effectively exorcise him out and trapped Chereza in Aizentech's ventilation system.

Through his own Gyro known as the AZ Gyro (.mw-parser-output .templateruby>rt{font-variant-east-asian:ruby;font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .templateruby.large{font-size:250%}.mw-parser-output .templateruby.large>rt{font-size:50%}AZ(エーズィー)ジャイロ, E Zi Jairo), an imperfect replica of the R/B Gyros, Chereza can summon or transform into a monster via the respective Monster Crystal. His Gyro broke during Gubila's deployment, forcing him to resort to the real Gyro used by Saki. He was also in brief possession of Orb Ring NEO to become Ultraman Orb Dark. At some point of time, he secretly built the Anti-Monster Restraint System within Aizentech headquarters and a King Joe unit.

While voiced by Motoki Fukami, Chereza's younger self is voiced by Miki Ohtani (大谷 美紀, Otani Miki).

Ultraman Orb Dark (ウルトラマンオーブダーク, Urutoraman Obu Daku, 8-12)[f] is a jet-black copy of Ultraman Orb's Orb Origin form. A form Chereza assumes through the use of Orb Ring NEO to become an Ultraman as part of his lifelong dream of becoming a hero like Orb, despite initially using the form to fight the Minato brothers in what he considered a popularity contest. When Chereza assumes the form to fight against Horoboros, the very same monster that he summoned to recover the Orb Ring NEO, he loses it when Saki takes control of the monster with Makoto's body injured in the process.

The Orb Ring NEO allows Orb Dark to initiate finishers of Ultraman Orb's Fusion Up forms by pressing the central button. Once inserted into Makoto's Gyro, he can perform the Dark Origium Ray (ダークオリジウム光線, Daku Orijiumu Kosen). His main weapon is the Orb Dark Calibur (オーブダークカリバー, Obu Daku Kariba), which allows him to perform elemental attacks:

Super Space-time Demon Etelgar (超時空魔神 エタルガー, Cho Jiku Majin Etaruga) is the primary antagonist of Ultraman Hit Song History: New Generation Chapter, who first appeared in Ultraman Ginga S The Movie. After surviving his defeat, Etelgar plotted his revenge by kidnapping Heisei Ultras again, forcing Zero to recruit Rosso and Blu in his mission. With all Ultras freed, Etelgar tries to fight them until he was defeated by Rosso, Blu, Zero Beyond and Geed.

Etelgar is voiced by You Murakami (村上 ヨウ, Murakami Yo).

Saki Mitsurugi (美剣 サキ, Mitsurugi Saki),[g] real name Grigio (グリージョ, Gurijo), is the sister of Ultramen Rosso and Blu. All three siblings were originally orphans from the war-torn Planet Sanja (惑星サンジャ, Wakusei Sanja) under tutelage of Bakubarba and raised as thieves and assassins. Of the three siblings, Grigio became tired of her job until she heard the rumors of Planet O-50 in Planet Alcatraz. After a series of encounters by the Balsas Gang, the three siblings ended up on O-50's Warrior's Peak wherein their mutual goal of protecting Frau (フラウ, Furau) brings forth their R/B Gyros and Crystals to transform, using it to combat various evil in outer space. Initially distraught that her form as Grigio Bone only spreads fear, she finally gained respect by the Zarra (ザーラ, Zara) tribesman after rescuing them as Grigio Regina. During their attempt to fight Leugocyte, the trio siblings and said monster were dragged into a wormhole that leads to an ancient Earth as Rosso and Blu sacrificed themselves to protect Grigio. The impact resulted in the fall of Ayaka Star (妖奇星, Ayaka-hoshi) while Grigio abandons her compassion out of grief for her brothers.

For 13 millennia, Grigio wandered around the Earth to plant space trees to reroute her late brothers' energy back to Japan, meeting with various historical figures and returned to Ayaka City in the present day. Saki first reveals herself during the Minato brothers' fight with Orb Dark, taking control of Horoboros in a display of power before she later purges Chereza from Makoto's body and sealing the alien within Aizentech's ventilation system. Saki then becomes the new president of Aizentech when regaining the Grigio Monster Crystal for her own agenda to destroy Leugocyte even if means destroying Earth while attempting to force the Minato brothers not to interfere. After the incident with the King Joe unit, Saki stole the R/B Gyro's from Katsumi and Isami, calling the two fake Ultramen. The two later attempted to get the Gyro's back, but Saki then tried to kill them, believing that they had found the Gyro's and were unworthy of them because they human. But she was proven wrong when the Gyro's protect the brothers from her blast. She planned on using the Earth as a giant bomb to destroy Leugocyte. Despite Katsumi and Isami saying that she couldn't, she believed that it was the only way. But befriending Asahi causes Saki to have a change of heart and sacrifices herself to save the Minato brothers from Leugocyte's beam, passing her Gyro to Asahi before fading away. A year later when Tregear commences his attack on Ayaka City, Saki's spirit merged with Asahi to turn Grigio Regina into Ultrawoman Grigio.

She is in possession of a different color version of the R/B Gyros, which, unlike Chereza's Gyro, can empower Monster Crystals to their full extent. Saki is incapable of transforming into an Ultra but assumes monster forms through Monster Crystals.

Saki Mitsurugi is portrayed by Ayane Kinoshita (木下 彩音, Kinoshita Ayane).

Gaseous Life-form Leugocyte (ガス状生命体・ルーゴサイト, Gasu-jo Seimei-tai Rugosaito) is the final antagonist of Ultraman R/B. In the past, Leugocyte was part of the space white blood cells (宇宙の白血球, Uchu no Hakkekkyu) tasked in eliminating threats to the space environment, until Ultraman Tregear altered its DNA to consume several non harmful planets. Rosso, Blu and Grigio were sent from the O-50 to deal with this threat but its might was too much for the three of them to handle. Leugocyte went circling the Earth for 1,300 years while Rosso and Blu died from protecting Grigio.

In the present day, Leugocyte approaches Earth as Grigio, now Saki Mitsurugi, prepared to use the planet as a bomb to destroy it. In order for this to work, she reclaimed her brothers' Gyros from the Minato brothers and attempted to activate all three Gyros at once to force Leugocyte into a corporeal state. Although this plan was successfully carried out by Mio Minato, who tried to banish the Crystal-imprisoned Leugocyte into a different dimension, Saki stole it from her as she remains adamant to her original suicidal plan. Her successful fight against the Minato brothers was exploited by the now corporeal Leugocyte to escape and resume its reign of terror. Seeing as all her plans went south, Mio attempted to banish Leugocyte into a black hole by taking herself and the Aizentech tower with it but was stopped by the Minato brothers as they transform to fight against the monster. With the help of Asahi as Makoto Crystal, Ultraman Ruebe performs Shin Vortech Buster and destroy Leugocyte once and for all.

In its original form, Leugocyte was portrayed as a sentient gas cloud that performs phagocytosis on planets and can fire the Genesis Requiem (ゲネシスレクイエム, Geneshisu Rekuiemu) for offensive purposes. Upon being sealed within the dragon-element Monster Crystal and escaped, it became Cosmo Eater Leugocyte (コスモイーター ルーゴサイト, Kosumo Ita Rugosaito), a corporeal dragon-like monster whose invincible to almost every forms of attacks. Aside from retaining Genesis Requiem, it can also conjure a pair of Leugo Tentacles (ルーゴテンタクル, Rugo Tentakuru) for constriction, wings for aerial combat, Genesis Rain (ゲネシスレイン, Geneshisu Rein) missiles from its tail, and the Genesis Seal (ゲネシスシール, Geneshisu Shiru) barrier.

Evil Wish Beast Snake Darkness (邪願獣 スネークダークネス, Jagan-ju Suneku Dakunesu) is Ultraman Tregear's monster servant. Originally Yukio Toi (戸井 ゆきお, Toi Yukio), Katsumi's former colleague who failed in his dream as a game developer, he was approached by Ultraman Tregear and transformed into Snake Darkness.

It possesses the Shadow Scissors (シャドウシザース, Shado Shizasu) on its right hand for the Guillotine Judge (ギロチンジャッジ, Girochin Jajji) and Demon Blood Judge (デモンブラッドジャッジ, Demon Buraddo Jajji) attacks, and the Darkness Eater (ダークネスイーター, Dakunesu Ita) tail. It can fire the Tragedy Shout (トラジェディシャウト, Torajedi Shauto) ray from its mouth and the Inferno Bullets (インフェルノバレット, Inferuno Baretto) from its shoulders, and perform the Great Execution (グレートエクスキューション, Gureto Ekusukyushon) diving attack. After Tregear drives it berserk, the monster can fire the Tragedy Shout Hell (トラジェディシャウト・ヘル, Torajedi Shauto Heru) ray, a stronger version of the Tragedy Shout.

Yukio Toi is portrayed by Yukito Nishii (西井 幸人, Nishii Yukito).

The Monster Crystals (怪獣クリスタル, Kaiju Kurisutaru) are antithesis of the R/B Crystals, which embodied the Ultra Monsters. When inserted into the Gyro, the user can either summon or transform into said monster through their corresponding Crystal. The crystals were collected by Saki during her time fighting for the peace of their homeworld alongside her brothers, Rosso and Blu. She lost several of her sets during their first arrival to Ayaka City, where Chereza collected them for his own ends.